World Famous Marches, CD by Black Dyke Band
World Famous Marches
CD permanently out of stock. Music digitally available.
Product details
Item No.
Nicholas J. Childs
Music Sample
No. | Track / Title | Music Sample | Sheet music |
01 | The Melody Shop | Audio Player | The Melody Shop |
02 | Honour The Brave | Audio Player | Honour The Brave |
03 | National Emblem | Audio Player | National Emblem |
04 | Stets zielbewusst - Always Purposeful | Audio Player | Stets zielbewusst - Always Purposeful |
05 | Rolling Thunder | Audio Player | Rolling Thunder |
06 | March Of The 13th Regiment | Audio Player | March Of The 13th Regiment |
07 | Gruss an Thüringen - Salute To Thuringia | Audio Player | Gruss an Thüringen - Salute To Thuringia |
08 | Belford's Carnival March | Audio Player | Belford's Carnival March |
09 | Triumph! | Audio Player | Triumph! |
10 | Jubelklänge - Sounds Of Joy | Audio Player | Jubelklänge - Sounds Of Joy |
11 | The Trombone King | Audio Player | The Trombone King |
12 | Graf Zeppelin | Audio Player | Graf Zeppelin |
13 | Furchtlos und treu - Fearless And True | Audio Player | Furchtlos und treu - Fearless And True |
14 | The Liberty Bell | Audio Player | The Liberty Bell |
15 | Erzherzog Albrecht Marsch - Archduke Albrecht March | Audio Player | Erzherzog Albrecht Marsch - Archduke Albrecht March |
16 | In Treue fest - Steadfast And True | Audio Player | In Treue fest - Steadfast And True |
17 | Shield Of Liberty | Audio Player | Shield Of Liberty |
18 | Hoch Heidecksburg - Hail Heidecksburg | Audio Player | Hoch Heidecksburg - Hail Heidecksburg |
«World Famous Marches» is a Brass Band CD by Obrasso. The CD was recorded 2005 by Black Dyke Band and the conductor Nicholas J. Childs.
The music label Obrasso Records belongs to Obrasso Verlag from Switzerland. The Black Dyke Band has recorded a lot of music for Obrasso. The Sheet Music for Brass Band are available at Obrasso’s webshop.
All sound carriers are also available digitally on the popular portals of Apple, Amazon, Google, Spotify and other providers worldwide.